
VSTOAppClientPkg.dll File Information

What is VSTOAppClientPkg.dll?

The VSTOAppClientPkg.dll is part of the Windows Dynamic Link Library system. As an important support file, VSTOAppClientPkg.dll is designed to report faults throughout the entire operating system This file must function properly for the Windows fault reporting system to work.
Some of the consequences of VSTOAppClientPkg.dll error :
Slow PC performance
System freezing
Blue screen of death error
Windows installer error
Startup and shutdown error
ActiveX control problems
Slow Browser speed

How to fix VSTOAppClientPkg.dll error

(Click Here to Free Download VSTOAppClientPkg.dll Repair Tool)

Re-register your Windows Installer

You can follow the steps to re-register VSTOAppClientPkg.dll file to temporarily disable VSTOAppClientPkg.dll error: Click Start > Press WINKEY + R on the keyboard > type Cmd in the dialog box > press Enter > type regsvr32 -uVSTOAppClientPkg.dll on the dialogbox > click regsvr32 VSTOAppClientPkg.dll

regsvr32 "C:\files\VSTOAppClientPkg.dll"

Download the missing file from DLL directory

If you find that the file was not deleted by mistake or during uninstallation of a software but is still missing, download the VSTOAppClientPkg.dll from a reliable online DLL directory to repair the error. Alternatively, you can also choose to copy the missing file from a computer with the same configuration as yours. It is important that you save the file in its original location on the system.

Perform regular registry scans

Follow these THREE EASY STEPS to fix VSTOAppClientPkg.dll error

