
NTrDB.exe File Information

Description of NTrDB.exe process

NTrDB.exe process serves as one of the most critical system files which is designed to keep associated dynamic link files performing functionalities smoothly. This is the reason why it cannot be simply disabled from Windows Task Manager when you encounters NTrDB.exe error on your computer.

What is NTrDB.exe error?

NTrDB.exe error is closely related with NTrDB.exe file. It can be generated by multiple kinds of system problems, including broken or invalid version of NTrDB.exe process, NTrDB.exe file missing, NTrDB.exe removal failure, unwanted modification on system setting, irregular increase of registry problems and associated .dll file damage. The manual removal of NTrDB.exe error is not recommended even if you have been properly practiced to handle with PC problems, for the purpose of preventing further obscure system problems.
NTrDB.exe - Application Error
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Symptoms of NTrDB.exe file

If you have come across the system problems mentioned below, you may need to check that if your computer is encountering NTrDB.exe error or not:
  • Substantial reduction in PC performance
  • Low network connection quality
  • Marked decrease of system performance
  • Browser freezes without notification
  • Malware and computer virus infiltration with commercial aims
  • Undesired accumulation of obscure system errors

NTrDB.exe error messages

NTrDB.exe error appears as the error messages mention below:
NTrDB.exe - Application Error
The memory could not be read/ The memory could not be “written”
Click on OK to terminate the program.
Click on Cancel to debug.

How to fix NTrDB.exe error safely and efficiently within few clicks?

Method One: Keep the Windows operating system up-to-date

NTrDB.exe file serves a system process which comes included with Windows. It should not be directly disabled or removed because it serves as an essential file required for the operation of Windows Operating system. If you are a highly train PC experts, you can follow the steps to keep the system up- to- date, for the purpose of fixing NTrDB.exe error manually:
  • Step One: Click Start to enable Control Panel.
  • Step Two: Enable Windows Update.
  • Step Three: Follow the wizard to install AxtiveX and click “Install” to install Windows Update utility.
  • Step Four: Check and Install all of the updates.
  • Step Five: Restart PC.

Method Two: Safely repair the damaged related registry keys to fix exe error

The severe damage of related registry files can possibly lead to NTrDB.exe error which triggers a list of further obscure problems to the system. On purpose to totally get rid of NTrDB.exe error, you should firstly repair its related registry files. A safe and effective solution for damaged registry files is to repair them with a reliable registry repair utility. The reliable registry repair utility combines with a list of useful and user- friendly toolkits which are designed by reputable PC experts to repair the unpredictable registry error pops- up and eliminate unnecessary registry files. How to fix NTrDB.exe error totally and easily?

