Clbcatq.dll is a dynamic link library associated with COM Services from Microsoft Corporation. This module is COM+ Configuration Catalog, which belongs to Microsoft Windows operating system. It is used for graphical user interface applications. This file plays an important role in your computer system. If you are facing the error associated with this file, you can follow the solutions below to fix the error.
Common clbcatq.dll problems:
When you upgrade you PC to Microsoft Windows 2000, you may encounter many errors when starting some Windows services. The errors are often associated with the COM+ Catalog. You may receive the following error messages:
“Catalog error – An error occurred while processing the last operation: 80040154, Class not registered.”
“The application or DLL C:\Windows\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL is not at a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette.”
Common causes:
The clbcatq.dll file is generated by Windows 2000 at the beginning of setup. If COM+ setup is completed successfully, this file will be deleted and it is not seen in the system32 folder. If there is something wrong with COM+ setup, the file will be present on your computer.
The problems during COM+ setup are various and complicated. For example, if the COM+ Catalog is damaged, the error will occur. If your computer is infected with viruses, the Windows update can also be affected and cannot set up successfully. In addition, the Windows registry errors can also lead to the DLL missing error. If you find this error on the PC, please follow the methods below to fix clbcatq.dll error timely to prevent further damage.
How to deal with the problems?
Solution1. Delete the clbcatq.dll file and modify the relevant registry.
You can go to C:\Windows\System32 folder and search for the DLL file. If it is found there, you should delete it and then move the contents of systemroot\registration folder to other place.
Then locate and export the following key in the registry:
Click Start, select Run, type regedit in the box and click OK. Then the registry editor appears.
Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\COM3 and export it to a location on your computer and then delete it.
Solution2. Re-run COM+ setup.
Step1. Click Start, select Control Panel.
Step2. Double click Add/Remove Programs, and then clickAdd/Remove Windows Components.
Click Next several times, and then click Finish. Then the COM+ may set up correctly.
Method3. Scan your computer with the antivirus software.
Sometimes, the viruses might intrude you computer without your awareness. The error is probably caused by the cyber threats. Therefore, to keep your computer secure, you need to perform a full scan of your computer system with the antivirus program. Don’t forget to keep it up-to-date.
Method4. Fix registry errors.
The system registry is one of the most important parts of a Windows-based computer system. Not to be tampered with lightly, the registry is a system-defined database used by the Windows operating system to store configuration information. Most Windows applications write data to the registry during installation and system components store and retrieve configuration data through the registry. The data stored in the registry varies according to the version of Microsoft Windows.
There may be a lot of invalid registry entries one your computer due to incorrect installation or removal. They can cause many unexpected computer problems. Occasionally, even if you remove the viruses, the infected registry entries are left on your PC. They can lead to this DLL error. To fix the registry errors, you can use a professional registry cleaner tool, such as Topckit to help scan and fix the registry errors. If the error is caused by the damaged registry entries, fixing the registry can help solve the problem. Therefore, if there is something wrong with the system registry, it is a good idea to download a registry cleaner tool – Topckit to solve clbcatq.dll error and other computer errors quickly and automatically.