Aestsr64.exe is a process that belongs to Andrea filters APO Access Service (64-bit) by Andrea Electronics. It is a service that used by Windows. If the process contains an error, the related software won’t be able to work and you may receive the error messages. It is necessary to fix the problem as soon as possible to prevent your computer from further damage. Here you can learn something about the process and several solutions to fix aestsr64.exe error.
What is aestsr64.exe?
It is Andrea filters APO access service (64-bit) for audio devices. Usually, the process is used to filter out background noise for a microphone. It is also associated with drivers for different sound and audio cards. Typically, the process is located in the C:\Program Files\idt\wdm folder. If this service fails to work, your computer performance may be affected and some Windows functions might be disabled.
If the process itself or the related modules that loaded by it become damaged, the errors that related to this process may occur. You probably encounter some system errors or application errors about this service when you boot up your PC or start some applications. The error messages might frequently pop up on your computer screen and annoy you so much.
What may result in aestsr64.exe errors?
You may feel puzzled by the system errors or application errors associated with process. What may cause those errors? In fact, the reasons are various and complicated. The following are some common causes of the errors.
- The process is damaged. Due to incorrect termination or improper system tweak or other unknown reasons, the service may stop working and then the errors show up.
- Some dynamic link libraries are corrupted or missing. If some system files associated with the process are damaged, the error may also be displayed.
- The errors are caused by virus infections on your computer. If there is a virus or malware on your system, the files and processes may be damaged or removed randomly.
- The invalid registry entries lead to the errors.
How to fix aestsr64.exe errors?
Solution1.Fix damaged system files with System File Checker utility.
Sometimes, the errors occur because of one or two corrupted system files. You can run the SFC on your computer to check and repair all the system files to fix the problem.
If you are Windows 7 user, follow the steps below to repair the files.
Step1. Click on Start menu and type cmd in the search box.
Right click cmd and select Run as administrator.
Step2. If the User Account Control window appears, follow its instructions and type your administrator password and then click Yes.
Step3. Type in sfc /scannow at the command prompt screen and press Enter.
The repair process will take some time to complete. The sfc /scannow command will scan all protected system files, and replace corrupted files with a cached copy that is located in a compressed folder at %WinDir%\System32\dllcache.
The %WinDir% placeholder represents the Windows operating system folder. For example, C:\Windows.
Solution2. Check for viruses on your computer.
If your computer is infected, the aestsr64.exe errors may also appear. The process may be damaged or removed by the virus infections. Sometimes, the virus may disguise as the process and cause many errors. To get rid of the infections, you need to run the antivirus software to scan your entire computer system. If any virus infection is detected, you should delete it as immediately.
Solution3. Repair Windows registry errors.
Windows registry is a database that contains the data of the applications, hardware and other information. If there are invalid registry entries on the computer system, many computer errors like aestsr64.exe error may appear. If the solutions above don’t work, you can try cleaning the registry errors to fix the problem. It is suggested that you use a professional registry cleaning tool to scan the entire system and repair all the errors related to the Windows registry automatically. Honestly, it is risky to modify the system registry manually by yourself. Any wrong modification can lead to serious consequences on PC.
Therefore, when you are facing the problems related to this process, you can try the solutions mentioned above to solve aestsr64.exe error. If it is the registry errors which cause the problems, you can use a reliable registry cleaning tool to help clean the registry errors automatically and safely.