
LXSYSUI.dll.mui Detailed Information

Description of LXSYSUI.dll.mui and LXSYSUI.dll.mui Error

LXSYSUI.dll.mui file is one of the essential parts of Dynamic Link Library belongs to Windows operating system which features the certain low- level system components and third- party applications running and performance. Any problems occur to LXSYSUI.dll.mui file can easily result in curious system problems, including unexpected system shutdown, inexplicable loss of system performance and Blue Screen of Death pops- up. Once LXSYSUI.dll.mui error messages appear on PC screen, it is prohibited to get rid of it by the help of manual removal solution for the process is far more complicated for common computer users.

Reasons Why LXSYSUI.dll.mui Error Appear On the PC

The PC has been compromised by undesirable spyware.
The LXSYSUI.dll.mui file on the PC has been broken or removed mistakenly.
Undesirable modification to the Windows registry prevents the system to LXSYSUI.dll.mui file.
Registry files has been damaged or wiped out irregularly.
Obsolete registry keys and unneeded registry components fills with the Registry.
System fails to update driver files.
Drivers are mistakenly removed or infected by insidious program.
New drivers cannot be installed properly.
System security settings and configurations have been changed and control by undesirable application.
Firewall cannot be loaded.

What Problems Can Be Generated by LXSYSUI.dll.mui Error?

Undesirable system components removal failure
Blue Screen of Death pops- up
Unexpected deterioration of system performance
Failure to load crucial system files and components
Essential Dynamic Link Library files corruption
Failure to install/load third- party application
Increasing times of program freezes
Black Screen of Death errors
Computer no sound problem
Sluggish performance of third- party applications
What is a compromised LXSYSUI.dll.mui file doing on a poorly secured system?
Break, remove or overwrite essential or sensitive system files and components to take over the system for gathering personal or commercial information.
Seriously decrease system performance when transmitting the collected files to insecure third- party websites.
Make modification on system security setting for preventing legitimate security program to be installed, silently disabling system firewall.
Change system log setting and configuration to prohibit user from logging on the system legally.
Copy and paste failure problems appear.
Locate numerous undesirable shortcuts on the desktop without notifying PC users.
Result in multiple network problems when exploiting network resources for reaching to remote computer, including network printer problems, MS Office network problems, DNS connection failure, IP address modification failure, ARP cache modification failure, Internet Protocol security problems and Internet Protocol Network Address Translation issues.

Possible LXSYSUI.dll.mui Error Messages

"Commgr32 caused an invalid page fault in module LXSYSUI.dll.mui"
"Error in LXSYSUI.dll.mui"
"[PROGRAM NAME] has caused an error in LXSYSUI.dll.mui"

LXSYSUI.dll.mui Error – How to Repair It Completely

SSolution One: Use System Restore to fix it.
How to enable System Restore utility on the computer? 
For Windows XP user:
You can follow the instructions to enable System Restore utility on Windows XP operating system.
Step One: Make sure to log on Windows operating system as an administrator.
Step Two: Click Start, and then go to All Programs, point to Accessories:, go to System Tools:, and then select System Restore.
Step Three: From Welcome to System Restore, select Restore my computer to an earlier time option, and then click Next.
Step Four: From Select a Restore Point, select the most recent system restore point in the On this list, click a restore point, and then click Next.
Step Five: On the Confirm Restore Point Selection page, click Next. System Restore restores the previous Windows XP configuration, and then restarts the computer.
Step Six: Make sure to log on to the computer as an administrator. Then, click OK from the System RestoreRestoration Complete.
For Windows 7 user:
Step One: Double- click Computer on startup menu, select Properties.
Step Two: From the left pane, find out and click System Restore to enable it.
Step Three: Under Protection Settings, go to the disk, and then go to Configure.
Step Four: click Restore system settings and previous versions of files option if you need to turn on System Restore. To be able to only restore previous versions of files, click Only restore previous versions of files. Click Apply, and then click OK again.

Solution Two: Enable Windows Auto update utility.
For Windows XP:
Step One: Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

Step Two: Enter into Properties. Select Auto Updates utility.
Step Three: On the Auto Updates dialog box, select Automatic (recommended) Automatically download recommended updates for my computer and install them option.
Step Four: Click OK to confirm the modification.

For Windows 7 and Windows Vista: 
Step One: Enable Windows Update through clicking Start on Windows 7 desktop. As soon as the search dialog box appears, type Update onto it, from the list of results, click Windows Update option. 

Step Two: From the left pane, click Change settings.

Step Three: Under Important updates, choose the option you need:
  • Install updates automatically (recommended)
  • Download updates but let me choose whether to install them
  • Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them
  • Never check for updates (not recommended)
Step Four: Select the time you want to update to install next to Install new updates.
Step Five: From Recommended updates, select the Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates option.

Step Six: Click OK. Make sure to confirm that you have logged on the system as an administrator.

Solution Three: Keep Spyware Away From the Poorly Optimized Computer
The undesirable spyware combines with powerful ability to perform dangerous activities on the computer, including damage, remove and overwrite crucial system files, make undesirable modification on system security setting and configuration, infiltrate into user’ computer for collecting personal or commercial information, record user’s financial account information through tracking user online traces and bombard PC screen with unneeded advertisements. To prevent the crucial system files from any invasion, it is suggested to enable a trusted spyware removal to fix the problem and use a registry cleaner to help avoid insecure modification on the Windows registry.
Solution Four: Keep Driver Up- to- date
The leftover driver files after driver update and missing, corrupt or incompatible drivers can easily lead to problems associated with essential system files. A Windows Update can help automatically update most of the drivers on PC, but sometimes the driver requires the user to choose the manual way to keep it up- to- date. Step One:To enable Device Manager, navigate to StartControl PanelSystem and MaintenanceDevice Manager. Make sure to type in the correct password when the system requires your administrator confirmation.
Step Two: In Device Manager, find out and scroll to the device you want to update, locate it, and then double-click the device name to open the option list.
Step Three: Click Driver option, and then click Update Driver and follow the instructions.

Solution Five: Export the file from Windows Installation CD.
Firstly, you need to make sure to log on the system as the administrator.
For Windows XP:
Step One: Insert thr Windows XP installation CD into the computer and then restart computer.
Step Two: Press R to enable Recovery Console as soon as the Welcome to Setup dialog box pops up.

Step Three: log in the Recovery Console. 
Step Four: Next, type the following commands at the Command Prompt and press Enter after each command to run it -
cd C:\windows\system32
ren LXSYSUI.dll.mui kernel32.bak
expand F:\i386\LXSYSUI.dll.mui C:\Windows\system32 
Step Five: Next, type exit and press Enter button to exit command prompt.
Step Six: Restart your computer.

Solution Six: Fix Registry Problems Efficiently.
The Windows registry contains settings of low- level system components and third- party applications, including common programs, hardware devices, user preferences and system configurations. Problems occur to the Windows registry is capable of leading to a list of curious system problems, including unexpected decrease of computer performance, inexplicable loss of network bandwidth, obscure system errors, missing, damaged or incompatible crucial system files, undesirable Blue Screen of Death errors and system security problems. In order to fix the registry problems, it is considered firstly getting rid of the registry problems firstly.
How to fix registry problems easily? 
If you have enough computer experience, you may consider utilizing the Registry Editor of Windows operating system to fix the problems. Firstly, you may need to create a full registry backup to prevent any damage to the system during the process of modification. Before performing the modification listed below, you need to make sure that you have logged on the system as an administrator.
For Windows users: 
Step One: Click Start, and then go to Run. Type regedit/regedit.exe/REGEDIT to the dialog box, press Enter button.
Step Two: Click File, and then select Export option.
Step Three: Select a location for the registry files that just have been exported from the local disk. It is suggested not to choose C:\ for the any problems occur during the repair process can possibly severely damage C:\.
Step Four: type a file name for the registry backup files and then click Save.
Step One: From Windows desktop, double- click to run My Computer
Step Two: Enter into C:\, and then go to WINDOWS folder. Navigate to system32 folder. TypeC:\WINDOWS\system32\regedit.exe onto the search menu, click Enter button.
Step Three: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, enter into Software folder, enter into Microsoft folder, and then select Windows, click Currentversion folder.
Step Four: Go to the associated folder of LXSYSUI.dll.mui, click LXSYSUI.dll.mui.
Step Five: Right click to select Delete to remove the file.
The solution cannot be suggested for computer newbie for the process requires the users have the computer expertise to handle with unneeded registry components, damaged registry files and obscure registry errors. Any problems happen during the process may possibly bring about severe damage to the system. It is considered to enable a reliable registry cleaning tool on the computer to fix the problem. A reliable registry cleaning tool features a professional suite of easy- to- manage fixing, cleaning and optimizing tools for peak system maintenance.

You can follow the steps to enable a reliable registry cleaning tool on your computer to fix the problem.
Step One: Free download reliable registry cleaning tool.
Step Two: Install the tool immediately after the install.
Step Three: Click " Start Scan" to make a free scan for the problem.
Step Four: Click "Repair" button and fix LXSYSUI.dll.mui error.
Additional Tips:
How to prevent LXSYSUI.dll.mui error messages?
Do not make any modification on crucial system files under any circumstances.
Do not replace the problematic .dll files with a new one manually even if you have been properly trained by computer expertise.
Do not download files from insecure websites to prevent spyware attacks. Or much of the files may be corrupted.
Keep the system, third- party applications, and device drivers up-to-date with the associated components that are newly released.
Follow the correct or official uninstall wizard to remove third- party programs.
Once you have experienced cyber threat attacks, it is suggested to enable a trust- worthy spyware removal tool on your computer to fix it.

